Hollywood's Red Carpet Besties of the 2017 Award Season Revealed

Award season just isn't as special without your Hollywood BFF nearby. As the road to the 2017 Oscars continues, there's one thing that pop culture fans haven't gotten enough of on the red carpet this year: It's the sight of two Hollywood friends celebrating together. From the Golden Globes to the SAG Awards, some familiar faces have been able to rejoice and honor the best in film with a close pal. What came next were aww-worthy photographs, backstage reunions and some serious girl power. Yes, we're talking about you talented ladies in Hidden Figures. With the Oscars just one week away, we're taking a look at five standout groups who displayed true friendship goals this year. Will we see these friends back together on Oscar Sunday? We can't wait to watch.
Hollywood's Red Carpet Besties of the 2017 Award Season Revealed Hollywood's Red Carpet Besties of the 2017 Award Season Revealed Reviewed by Unknown on 8:39 pm Rating: 5
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