Apostle Johnson Suleman Stephanie Otobo still in prison following sex scandal ordeal

Stephanie Otobo, the Canada-based Nigerian stripper who accused Apostle Johnson Suleman, the General Overseer of the Omega Fire Ministries Worldwide, of impregnating and abandoning her, is still in prison after a court ordered her remand.

Otobo who raised a lot of dust when she came out with the allegations as well uploading  shares screenshot photo of her purported video chat with the man of God, was remanded in prison custody on a charge of blackmail and terrorism and it seems she is set to remain behind bars following administrative issues in the perfection of her bail conditions.
Total Media gathered that the processing of bail conditions for Otobo ran into hitches on Wednesday, March 8, 2017, as Justice Kikelomo Bukola Ayeye, the chief magistrate of the Lagos State Magistrate Court in Tinubu, was not in court to sign some of the required documents.
It was further learned that by the time the bail documents were ready, Justice Ayeye had left for an engagement, and Otobo had to be returned to the Kirikiri Medium Prison where she is being remanded.

A warden in the female section of the prison who spoke on the condition of anonymity said Otobo has been moody and unhappy since yesterday when her hopes of getting out on bail were dashed.
Apostle Johnson Suleman Stephanie Otobo still in prison following sex scandal ordeal  Apostle Johnson Suleman Stephanie Otobo still in prison following sex scandal ordeal Reviewed by Unknown on 1:24 pm Rating: 5
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